Data management methods are an important factor that depends on the level of user interaction with the application. It is the speed of receiving, processing, and delivery of data, as well as the reliability of their protection, that remains the key point in the operation of a product. Therefore, the correct choice of the database determines the security of information and the comfort of using the application.
Database stores and organizes all the data collected by a program. Convenient management is carried out with DBMS, a special software. With over 350 databases on the market, choosing the right tool is not an easy task. For the database to be useful and able to solve the tasks, consider the following factors as the sort of guidance:
Characteristics of more than 360 databases in detail are available here: the rating includes relational DBMS, key-value stores, document stores, DBMS time series, search engines, object-oriented, etc.
All databases can be divided into two large groups: SQL-Based and NoSQL-Based, i.e. relational and non-relational. The difference lies in the design structure, supported data types, and storage method. More details about it are below.
A relational database is a set of tables with predefined relationships. This type of database is used most frequently: for support and queries, the SQL structured query language is used. What are the advantages of this category of DBMS?
The key feature of SQL database is its compliance with the concept of ACID, which includes the parameters of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. The main thing is that ACID eliminates the possibility of two transactions overlapping, namely:
Compliance of the database with all these requirements determines its use for storing financial, medical, and personal data. Such databases are suitable, for example, for medical information systems.
Though there are some disadvantages of SQL databases:
One of the best SQL is the PostgreSQL database, with its stability and safety. PostgreSQL is ACID compliant. The SDH team often uses this database to develop web and mobile applications.
NoSQL-Based are non-relational or distributed databases. This type of database was created as an alternative to relational databases with their shortcomings. More flexible and scalable programs are adapted to storing and processing unstructured data (information from social networks, photos, MP3 files), changing them without affecting existing information. Such databases can run on multiple servers, which simplifies and reduces the cost of scaling compared to SQL.
What attracts to NoSQL-Based databases is their fault tolerance. Hosting on multiple servers means that the failure of one component will not bring down the entire system. At the same time, the technology is less mature than SQL and less consistent with the ACID principle.
Conventionally, all non-relational databases are divided into 4 groups:
When choosing a database, it is important to trust the contractor who will suggest the best option, taking into account the specific features of the product.
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