IT-Konferenzen vereinen weltweit Tausende von Fachleuten und Referenten, die für bedeutende Unternehmen der Branche arbeiten.
IT-Konferenzen vereinen weltweit Tausende von Fachleuten und Referenten, die für bedeutende Unternehmen der Branche arbeiten. Für viele werden die Konferenzen zu den wichtigsten Ereignissen des Jahres. Sich über die neuesten Trends und Technologien zu informieren, ist natürlich wichtig. Doch wir wissen, dass die Möglichkeiten zum Networking nicht weniger wichtig sind - um sich mit Dutzenden von digitalen Nomaden, Freiberuflern und Spezialisten in verschiedenen Positionen in großen Unternehmen oder Start-ups zu treffen, zu unterhalten und Erfahrungen auszutauschen. Um sicherzustellen, dass Sie alles mitbekommen, habe ich eine Liste der wichtigsten IT-Konferenzen in Europa im Jahr 2024 zusammengestellt.
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When: 9 – 11 April 2024.
Where: Berlin, Germany
The DMEA is a significant occasion for digital health in Europe, where professionals from the industry gather annually in Berlin for three days. Apart from providing a detailed market outlook, the event offers ample opportunities for deep discussions, purposeful networking, and successful customer engagement to all stakeholders. Summit
When: 16 – 17 May 2024.
Where: London, United Kingdom
The Summit aims to gather 1,800 individuals who are experts in their respective fields to work together towards creating a prosperous future for European innovation ecosystems. The event will primarily emphasize sustainable growth. Hundreds of attendees, including entrepreneurs, investors, corporate leaders, policymakers, academics, and journalists, will collaborate to chart a course for European tech advancement and identify steps that can be taken to take the startup innovation ecosystems to the next level in a sustainable manner.
Viva Tech
When: 22 – 23 May 2024.
Where: Paris, France
VivaTech is France's top global startup event and is eagerly anticipated by international investors, journalists, and opinion leaders who usually include it in their schedules. The conference and exhibition focus on startups and technology, featuring new concepts and upcoming technologies. With high-profile speakers such as Tim Cook, Vitalik Buterin, Changpeng Zhao, Melanie Perkins, and Emmanuel Macron in the past, it is easy to see why VivaTech is so popular. In 2023, more than 91,000 individuals attended VivaTech in person to discover the latest innovations and participate in live presentations.
Dublin Tech Summit
When: 29 – 30 May 2024.
Where: Dublin, Ireland
Dublin Tech Summit is among the most significant European B2B technology events. DTS brings together world leaders in innovation, technology, and business to assess global trends and ideas for developing new technologies. Last year's speakers included representatives from Google, Zoom, MIT, AWS, and other leading companies.
When: 29 – 30 May 2024
Where: Turku, Finland
SHIFT is not just an ordinary conference but a festival designed to connect, educate, and inspire change-driven individuals and organizations. It encourages attendees to think about the future of their company and how it can shape the future. SHIFT provides a comprehensive program for industry leaders and technology innovators intending to envision a business's future.
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ViennaUP'21 digital
When: 3 – 9 June 2024
Where: Vienna, Austria
ViennaUP! offers an excellent opportunity for emerging businesses to discover Vienna's "ecosystem of opportunity," which encompasses various areas such as impact, smart cities, creative industries, life sciences, and manufacturing. It is a distributed event that allows investors and entrepreneurs from around the globe to attend and network at various locations throughout the city. This provides an excellent opportunity to explore Vienna's different faces and aspects.
South Summit
When: 5 – 7 June 2024
Where: Madrid, Spain
The South Summit has established itself as the leading international event in Spain for ruling corporations, startups, people in business, investors, and institutions to accelerate innovation, build strong relationships, seek commercial opportunities, and generate profits. This year's theme for the summit is "2030 Today." The organizers suggest moving into a beautiful future, 2030, which should be a critical year on the road to a "zero" economy - with significant or near-zero emissions. You should also attend this event if you are a startup looking for funding from global venture capital funds.
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European Power Platform Conference
When: 11 – 13 June 2024
Where: Brussels, Belgium
European Power Platform Conference (EPPC) will take place in Brussels, Belgium, 11 – 13 June 2024. The European Power Platform Conference brings together the Microsoft Power Platform Community for 3 invaluable days of in-person learning, connections and inspiration.
The 2023 European Power Platform Conference dived into Microsoft’s Power Platform stack and provided a host of professional development opportunities, which included 3 inspirational keynotes, 6 expert full day tutorials and 90+ specialist sessions, delivered by global Power Platform experts and Microsoft Corporate and community leaders. Gain expert insight and hear the latest innovations across Power Apps, Power BI, Power Automate, Power Virtual Agents, Power Pages and Dynamics.
When: 11 – 12 September 2024
Where: Copenhagen, Denmark
If you are drawn to comfort, coziness, and contentment, Tech BBQ may be just the event for you! This yearly conference in Scandinavia combines technology with "hygge" (eng. cozy), allowing attendees to talk about the latest trends, network in a comfortable environment, listen to inspiring speakers, and enjoy a delicious barbecue. TechBBQ has become one of the most important international startup events in the Nordics. The friendly atmosphere of TechBBQ now makes it the perfect location to meet new individuals.
Web Summit
When: 11 – 14 November 2024
Where: Lisbon, Portugal
Web Summit gathers key decision-makers, heads of state, technology company founders, and CEOs of rapidly growing startups who come together to address the question of what's next. At a time when numerous industries and the world are facing considerable uncertainty, this event is considered by the New York Times as a significant gathering of the technology industry's leaders. The fact that it takes place in sunny Lisbon in November is a bonus. Lisbon transforms into a startup celebration during the event, providing an excellent opportunity for informal networking.
European SharePoint Office 365 and Azure Conference
When: 2 – 5 December 2024
Where: Stockholm, Sweden
ESPC helps IT professionals, developers, devs, and business decision-makers succeed in projects and careers using leading Microsoft technologies.
This year, the flagship conference, ESPC, will bring the Microsoft 365 community together from Dec 2-5, in Stockholm. Meanwhile, our newest conference, the 3rd annual European Power Platform Conference will take place in Brussels, June 11-13 2024.
Unser Unternehmen legt großen Wert auf Schulung und Entwicklung und bietet regelmäßig Schulungsprogramme, Seminare und Reisen zu verschiedenen IT-Konferenzen in Europa an. Daher werden Sie das Team von Software Development Hub auch auf den meisten dieser Konferenzen antreffen!
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