Software Developemnt Hub at the Transparent Factory in Dresden

Sep 23, 2022 5 Minuten lesen 2472
Daria Sizova Business Development Manager
Software Developemnt Hub at the Transparent Factory in Dresden

Nachhaltigkeit ist derzeit die Entwicklungsperspektive für führende Unternehmen in verschiedenen Bereichen. Deshalb waren Pavel Yablonskiy und Vasyl Kuchma an diesem Wochenende in der Gläsernen Fabrik in Dresden.

Must-visit Digitalized City

The Transparent Factory is an 83,000 square meter production site and exhibition space in Dresden, owned by Volkswagen. It's located in the city center near the botanical garden. There Pavel and Vasyl learned about how the brand shapes the mobility of the future. The main objective of this space is to transform Dresden into a completely digitalized city filled with electric cars.

The hall is filled with a range of electric cars. They stand out with the ultra-modern design that can be pretty unusual for an ordinary citizen. The manufacturer emphasizes that all the vehicles are produced in a balance-sheet CО2-neutral manner. It's said that by 2025, vehicles and component parts are to be built with a total of 45% less environmental impact. 

The Transparent Factory works only using renewable energy. Solar panels and windmills ensure the successful work of all the processes. The cooling happens using water from the river nearby.

Despite the current situation, when the energy costs are rapidly rising, and the future of electric cars is questionable, the Transparent Factory remains a great example of ecological awareness in doing business. Visiting such a place was a great experience for both Pavel and Vasyl. They got inspired and became willing to cooperate with companies that value ecology that much.


sustainability ecology electric cars


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